Monday, December 21, 2009


how u trust a person?

peOple in mY LiFe

i'm 27 this year..well sure i met lot's lot's of people in my life... people comes & goes.... some left good, sweet memories...some don't... some gave me lesson in ma life...make me grw up..make me think, taught me what life is....

Friends.... play a BIG role in my life.. Some gud..some not... well no matter wat.. i have learn a lot... i learn bout trust... DO you truSt ur friends? well if there's no TRUST... no point having a friendship with that person rite... it's all bout trust... when i waz 18.. well just finnish SPM, out from school, out frm my hometown.. i learn lot bout friendship & trust.. gosh! those days..years... full wit fun and of course bad also..hahahaha.. i lost some friends too ..good frends... & also some asshole's called themselves friends... dam...

ermm been staying alone..out frm my family for 10years now.... wow...lot's lot's of hsemates i live wit...1st year waz my collage days..of course it waz a hostel life... i studied in MARA..well of course all malay... well i manage my life & wit nice good friends as well.. then work life... live with chinese, malay & indians... all place...s'pore,jb,penang, kl... all ups & downs in my life i share with them... part of my family i could say... of course we fight, we hug, we go out together, cry and so on...
currently i'm living wit lovely 3 indian gals.. living with them taught me alot too.... we do fight tho.. hahahaha.... thinking bout it now, make me laugh.... we go holidays together, celebrate bdays, celebrate xmas & diwali too.. lot's of fun... this will be sweet memories for me for ever... i knw we will be appart one day... we will choose our own life & way.. but i hope our friendship will be continue..will be forever.....
any how for those who was & still my friends....i own a big THANK YOU.. for teaching me what is life.. muaxxx...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

mY 2009

okie.. i'm BACK... wow been months since i blog.. Dam..waz so busy in my life... well thing waz pretty good in 2009.. :)

FlAsh BacK TIme......

Things i did in 2009!


  • new position in GE.. change to a new department..

  • life waz slow @ the moment..


  • meet new people in my life. new friends


  • work waz terible... holidayz waz


  • new camera..yeahhh

  • dam..i waz sick

  • cut off some asshole's in my life..yeah @ last i mange to do it... hard to cut off some ppl u c...


  • new!


  • holiday in Sabah

  • suspected for H1N1...dam


  • 1 day trip to Melaka...great trip

  • Hard Rock Party.. lasst paRty wit GE Money...


  • holiday wit my homie @ PD..great....
  • lonely lonely lonely moment in life....
  • oh yeah i cut my hair...short..short..short....


  • new car...gosh...@ last....


  • new job, new department...great people around me

  • oh yeah new "fella" in my family list... puppy...muaxxx u come..there i wait..... muaxxxx