Wednesday, April 22, 2009

6 simple ways to reduce stress.......

  1. Try yoga, tai chi, meditation, or chi-gong. Or just go for a walk.

  2. Write in a journal, strum a guitar, draw, paint, or do your favorite craft.

  3. Spend time with good friends, or give your pets extra love and attention.

  4. Join a group or club. It will expand your social circle, boost your emotional health, and help you stay informed and connected.

  5. Listen to relaxation tapes or soothing music.

  6. Watch a funny movie, or engage in any activity that inspires a good belly laugh. Laughter is good medicine!


Veni said...

Hi Kavy,

Nice info.....

you can add the 7th your also helps to reduce stress : )

Kvy said...

hi veni...thanks
ya la... should and 1 more....
no read my blog.... but BLOGGING!!!
updating blog will reduce ur stress to 80% *mayb (no case studie on this)

gobi said...

7th way : MSN !!!!

# n i added u to my blog list hehe

word verification : furinme