Thursday, April 23, 2009



have you been regret before? Regret of what u did? Regret y u still alive? Regret.... i hate it when people regret for what they did... but we are human... people do mistake, they regret, they seek for forgiveness, we "have" to forgive them? well I do mistakes too & i regret few stuff that i did in past.. well the lesson that i learn from my mistakes that make me be where i am now.

Definition of Regret ..... dislike for personal past acts and behaviors (Wikipedia).

So why people often regret they past act or behaviors? aren't we think before we act? Aren't we homo sapiens who always use our brain..? then why must we regret after "it" happens?

I have hurt many people
In this lifetime of mine.
But at what point was it
That I began to care?
And I never cared.
I did it with such ease.
I filled him will all of my lies
And deceit.
And as I sit here
It becomes very clear....
The one thing I dread
The one thing I fear
I regret breaking your heart
I regret the day we grew apart
I regret lying to you
I regret that you ever knew
I regret the tears in your eyes
But mostly
I regret saying good-bye
p/s: thanks for the poem's author.. which i dunno who :)

So, can we live without regretting bout anything? Here's some tips.....
  • Firstly.... We must learn to acknolwelge our own mistake. From here starts the 1st step to moving past regrets and moving toward a brighter future. Believe me this 1st step would be a big relief.

  • Second.... Forgive yourself... quite hard but try.. always remember nobody is perfect, people do mistake and learn from there. Then try to apologise from the person that you hurt. Past is past.. Happen is happen ... let it go.. brummmmmmm(let it go)

  • Have you regret not doing s'thing that you should long time ago?? Well it's never too late for anything.. You still can learn swimming @ 50... You still can do your Degree @ 60.... well what you waiting for? Stop regretting and start your engine & do what you want to do...

  • Be grateful to god! Ellam puggallum eraivanekeh! (A.R. Rahman said this always even in Oscars)
  • now is the time to list out my regret list......


gobi said...

hmmm .... now that u mention it . i realise that i regret things that i didnt do rather than stuff that i did .

hmm ... interesting

word verification : chanti

tulipspeaks said...

i have set a new rule for myself - forgive but never forget!

